We, the members of the Society for Promotion of Electronics Culture (SPEC), NIT Hamirpur pledge to work towards fostering a community environment that is safe, welcoming, inclusive and solemn. We undertake the responsibility to make participation in and association with our community a harassment-free experience for everyone regardless of age, level of experience, education, colour, race, nationality, religious beliefs, political views, ethnicity, visible or invisible disability, gender identity and expression, sexual identity and orientation.

We pledge to cultivate a fraternity that empowers every individual within and outside the community and acts as a harbinger of positive change.

  1. Harassment includes offensive comments about gender, identity, age, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, size, race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion. It also covers sexual images, intimidation, stalking, photography or recording without consent, event disruption, inappropriate contact, and unwelcome attention.
  2. While we encourage photography, participants must respect privacy and allow opt-outs. Taking photos where privacy is expected (e.g., bathrooms or sleeping areas) is inappropriate.
  3. Participants asked to stop harassment must comply immediately. The policy extends to hacks created during Electrothon.
  4. Sponsors must adhere to this policy, avoiding sexualized content. Sponsor representatives should refrain from sexualized attire or creating such an environment.
  5. Photography is encouraged, with respect for privacy. If someone objects, comply. Avoid photos in private spaces.
  6. For harassment or concerns, contact Electrothon staff for prompt assistance. We prioritize your safety.
  7. Organizers may take action against harassers, including warnings, expulsion, or law enforcement involvement.

Adherence to these rules is expected at venues, workshops, and related social events.

Reporting Procedures:

If you witness or experience a potential violation of the code of conduct, report it immediately using one of the following methods. All reporters have the right to remain anonymous.

By sending information to the general reporting line, your report will go to any or all of the Electrothon representatives listed below:
